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Mother's Day Flowers

This Mother's Day Bouquet Cake is iced with white buttercream and a blue dot pattern. It's topped with gumpaste flowers, available in several different colors.


The base price of this cake is $110.00, and while many flavors are included, there is an upcharge for some flavor and filling selections.


6" cake $110.00 (Serves 12-15)

8" cake $120.00 (Serves 18-20)

9" cake $125.00 (Serves 25-30)


To complete your order select your flavor and fillings, then call 404-923-0593.

Mother's Day Flowers

  • All cakes are packed in a reusable cooler with dry ice and/or ice gel packs. To ensure freshness, we only ship this product 2nd Day direct to your door. 

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